Tuition fees are perpetually on the rise. Understandably, everyone wants a degree that will cover their college loans and, in the best possible case, make them rich.
These are the top three best-paid jobs. To get them, you need a degree in:
The number of jobs in this field is foreseen to increase by almost 20% by 2024, and you’ll be getting from $177,000 to $534,000 a year based on your experience level.
2. Petroleum Engineering
No poor petroleum engineer has ever existed. These professionals are involved in the extraction, production, and supply of oil and natural gas.
Demand for petroleum engineers is expected to rise by 10% by 2024. The average annual salary is $150,000 for mere technicians, $200,000 for individual pros and supervisors, $300,000 for directors and middle management, and over $400,000 for CEOs and other top managers.
3. Computer Engineering
This is the third-best Bachelor’s degree when it comes to salary prospects. The tasks of a computer hardware engineer vary in scope and necessitate a combination of computer science and electrical engineering skills.
The lowest possible starting salary is $71,200 a year. A professional with 15 years of experience bring in $116,000 on average. The median annual salary for persons holding a degree in Computer Engineers is $111,730 according to official statistics of the Labor Bureau.