If you’re studying hard or simply trying to keep up with all your chores, chances are that college life doesn’t permit you to spend too much time in the kitchen. Here are some easy college dishes that you can make in a toaster oven, allowing you to continue focusing on your priorities.
French Bread Pizza
This carbohydrate-filled meal is perfect for satisfying your appetite for hours at a time as you hit the books while also bursting with scrumptious, cheesy flavor. In just three steps, you’ll be ready to enjoy a scrumptious French bread pizza. You can also get creative by adding a range of toppings of your choice for some additional flavor.
Baked Chicken Pasta
Filled with spinach, chicken, cheese, marinara, and of course pasta, this wholesome dish provides you with carbohydrates, proteins, and vegetables. In addition to providing you with a large array of crucial nutrients, this baked chicken pasta consists of just 20 minutes of active prep.
Homemade Mac & Cheese
While Mac & Cheese may be an all-time American favorite, this three-cheese recipe takes this classic dish to a whole new level. What’s more, you can cook this in bulk, ensuring that there are enough leftovers to last a few days.