Natural Solutions to Those Restless Nights

We all know that getting a good night’s sleep can make a huge difference in so many areas of our lives, but that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily easy to gently drift off each night. There are many reasons people may not sleep well, from stress and an over-active mind to dietary factors and exercise routines. As a student, the chances of poor sleep may be even worse due to the worries about studies, social life, and general adult independence. If you’ve researched possible options, then you may well have found that many of them involve taking some form of medication. While this can be needed and very helpful for some, it’s understandable to want to try alternatives before turning to medicine. Here are some natural and wholesome ideas to try to help you sleep better.


If you think your sleep problems could be related to stress, then journalling can be an effective tool for dealing with this. Jotting down a few sentences about how your day was or what is currently on your mind can allow your mind to conclude it’s worrying for the evening and give it the space to switch off.

Lavender Essential Oil

Aromatherapy techniques have been around for years, and lavender oil is well-known for its calming properties. Try placing a few drops on your pillow before bed to let the soothing scent calm your mind.

Meditation App

There is an excellent range of meditation apps available these days, which can be a great tool for teaching some basic techniques. Most of them will have specific sessions to try before bed, aimed at helping your mind and body unwind and relax.

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