Being at university can feel like a whirlwind. At the start of your time, it will feel like ages until the end, but those years will whizz by before you know it. There is so much to take in during this experience and it’s essential to prioritize your enjoyment and learning. But while you’re there you will have access to services provided by the uni, and it’s good to take advantage of these while you can.
Health Service
It’s common for universities to have their own health service on campus. As a student, you’re entitled to access this service, and should really make the most of this. Health services post uni can be really hard to get registered with or very expensive. It’s good to have a check-up or two while it’s available to you.
Careers Advice
Every college will have a careers advice team on campus. So often they are neglected by students, but post-uni this kind of personalized meeting with a careers adviser would be quite hard to arrange. They not only have helpful advice and information but can set you up with excellent work and volunteering opportunities.
Colleges will have a counseling service available to students. This is yet another service that can be very hard and expensive to have as a non-student, so make the most of having this on offer to you.