As exams approach, you may feel anxious due to the many subjects that you’ll have to study for. Still, you don’t have to allow your anxiety to take over. Here are some tips to help you study smarter, not harder, in order to get all of your work under control.
Space It Out
Because exams are announced well in advance, make sure to develop a study schedule, making sure to divide your subjects and the topics they consist of into digestible pieces. By doing smaller study sessions over time, you’ll be able to better retain the information you study. If you do wish to study for a few hours, make sure to give yourself breaks to recharge.
Test Yourself
While memorizing your work is important, putting what you’ve learned into action is more difficult. Ultimately, in higher education, you’re typically expected to use your knowledge in order to solve complex problems. Give yourself tests or perhaps get a hold of some past exam papers to practice your skills and give yourself a taste of what lies ahead in your exam.
Keep Practicing
The more you practice what you’ve learnt, the more easily you’ll remember the work you’ve studied. Keep learning your course materials over again until it comes naturally to you.