Why You Should Embrace the Challenge of Group Projects

For many college students, the mention of a group project can inspire fear and anxiety. Many students will have experienced first-hand the horror of an inefficient, uncooperative group trying to work together to produce a piece to present for grading. If not, then you’ve likely heard other people’s nightmarish tales of how this kind of thing can pan out. More often than not, the workload is not equally divided, and members may even hand in their work late or not at all. While these situations are of course stressful, it doesn’t mean you need to fear group projects entirely. They can be challenging, but you should see this as something to rise to and embrace the opportunity. Here’s why.

A Chance for You to Practise Some Leadership Skills

Most of the time in group projects, the majority of the group feels the same way but no one feels comfortable speaking up. Use these moments as a chance to test your confidence and assertiveness by being the one to take a stand in order to ensure things are done fairly and effectively. Once you make the first move, other members will likely jump on the bandwagon and be more talkative too.

An Excellent Test for Future Employment

If you’re under the impression that these unfortunate circumstances will be over and done with once you leave college, then you’re in for a shock in the world of work. You are likely to find yourself in similar dynamics in the future, with certain colleagues and work partners putting in much more effort than others. Learning how to deal with these situations at college will help you navigate them in the future as well.

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