Socializing is a huge part of college life, and while nights out are great sometimes you just need a more quiet, relaxed evening. But that doesn’t mean you can’t do some fun things and try some new activities. Here are some ideas for activities that are more chilled out than heading to the club.
A Pot Luck Party
These are a great way to socialize without having to go out and spend money and you get to try a delicious variety of food. If it’s just you and your housemates you’ll have to negotiate kitchen space and timing, but it will be so worth it to share a lovely meal together.
A Zine Session
A zine is a collection of creative works put together in one format. These are often shared via social media or given out in print form. However they don’t have to be published, and it’s a really fun collective task to take part in. You can choose whatever theme or broad subject you like and simply produce a piece in whatever way feels natural to each of you. It will be lovely to see the end product of them all together.
A Sunset Walk
What better way to relax in the evening than with a stroll with your housemates? And when you can time this to catch the glorious sunset, you’ll no doubt all feel refreshed and peaceful.