If you’re really lucky, you’ll have an ensuite bathroom in your dorm, but that’s not always the case. Communal bathrooms that can’t be directly accessed from your room will become your new normal, and here are five things you should always do when using them.
Wear Slippers
Wearing slippers in communal bathrooms is a must, even in the shower. Bacteria quickly develop in wet places so it’s best to stay safe when you’re using a shared shower.
Bring Your Essentials
Don’t expect to find any free toiletries in a communal bathroom. Bringing your own shower gel, shampoo, razors, and other essentials is a must, and always remember to take them back to your dorm once you’re done.
Perfect Timing
Every communal place on campus has rush hours, including the bathrooms. It’s best to avoid the morning rush between 7 am and 9 am and pick a different time when bathrooms aren’t as busy.
Always Bring Your Keys
You never know if your roommate will be in the dorm once you come back from the bathroom, so it’s best to bring your keys so you wouldn’t end up locked up.
Clean Up Your Mess
You don’t want to step inside a dirty and messy bathroom, and neither does anyone else, so always make sure to clean up after yourself.