Studying takes a lot of effort, and if you constantly feel like you lack motivation to do it – you’re not alone. This is a common issue many students face, but there are steps you can take to overcome it. We’re here with some useful tips and tricks that can help you get back on your feet when you have zero motivation to study.
Small Goals
Whether you’re feeling demotivated or not, it’s always a good idea to break your study sessions into smaller tasks. Completing them is quite achievable, and it will give you a sense of accomplishment that will increase your motivation.
Study in Intervals
Breaking work into intervals is also a great way to keep the motivation up. Study for 20-30 minutes and take a short break before going back to studying to increase your focus and prevent burnout.
Stick to a Schedule
You can’t always rely on motivation when trying to reach your study goals—and this is where discipline comes in. Set a study schedule and try to stick to it even when motivation is nowhere to be found.
Peaceful Environment
The environment you’re studying in makes all the difference, and you should try to make it as peaceful as possible. Try to eliminate distractions because this is the best way to keep procrastination at bay.
Reward Yourself
Studying with zero motivation requires a lot of energy, and small rewards that you’ll look forward to can help you pull through your study sessions.