Basic Fashion Tips to Consider When Picking Clothes to Wear on Campus

If you love fashion, then choosing which clothes to take with you to college and which ones to leave at home can prove challenging. Still, it’s important to know that not everything you like is suitable for college life. Here are some basic fashion tips to consider when picking clothes to wear on campus.

Keep It Plain

When walking to class, hanging in your dorm room, and chilling with friends, you’ll be in need of some comfortable clothes that feel good. After all, you’re not going to places where you’ll need your fanciest garments. For that reason, it’s a good idea to bring plenty of plain T-shirts and tank tops to keep you cozy.

Versatile Dresses

If you need some clothing that works in a casual and formal setting, then a plain yet elegant dress can go a long way. After all, too intricate a design can make it inappropriate for a more casual event.

Lightweight Sweatpants

As you navigate college, exercise will no doubt be an important part of life. Make sure to get yourself a lightweight pair of sweatpants that you can use at the gym which will also be suitable for lounging around.

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