Dont Let Excess Holiday Weight Scare You

The holiday season is full swing, and for the people who have been watching what they eat or have been trying to slim down, the holidays may bring some serious challenges. With the holiday seasons, not only are people faced with the enormous family dinners, but potlucks, parties, social gatherings, and other events all contribute to the consumption of treats that very well may not be part of someone’s healthy diet. However, it is important to realize that holiday indulgences are not as daunting as you may think.

By allowing yourself to enjoy certain treats instead of depriving yourself, you are saving yourself the guilt from an imminent binge that will come about when you finally cave and decide to indulge in some of the holiday food. Studies even show that most people only gain one pound at most over the holidays.

A few more tips to deal with all the excess that the holidays bring: 

1. Watch What You Drink. It is easy to forget how many calories can be consume by liquid, especially during the holidays. With eggnog, hot chocolate, mulled wine, its easy to indulge. 

2. Portion Control. During the holidays, moderation is key. Enjoy all the sweets and treats that come with the seaon, just be aware of portion size. 

3. Don’t Forget Your Regular Workout Routine. During the holidays many people are traveling and out of their usual routine, so it’s easy to let your workout routine slip. If you are traveling, try simple body-weight exercises like push-ups and v-ups. 

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