When you head to college, it’s important to pack all of the right clothing and other items you’ll need. After all, you don’t want to find yourself running around and looking for supplies once you’re at school. Here are some essential items that you should pack for college.
A Reliable Backpack
You’ll need a sturdy backpack to carry your books and stationery as you walk around campus. Not only should your bag have enough pockets to hold everything in an organized fashion, but will also need to be strong and comfortable so that you don’t take any strain as you go about your day.
Enough Pens
As you head to lectures, it will become obvious that you’ll do a lot of writing. This makes it essential to have enough pens. After all, if you run out of ink, you’ll miss out on taking notes.
Laundry Bag
While you may have had a washer and dryer in your house, this isn’t the reality in your dorm room. Chances are you’ll need to use a public washing machine or laundromat. Either way, you’ll need to have a laundry bag that you can store all of your laundry so you can transport it.