How To Make New Year’s Resolutions That You’ll Actually Stick To

With a new year finally upon us, everyone seems to be making their resolutions for 2025, but sticking to them is a different story. If you’ve struggled to achieve your New Year’s resolutions in the past, our brief guide is here to help you make goals that you’ll actually stick to.

Keep Things Real

Being realistic with your goals is the only way to achieve them. The “go big or go home” approach will set you up for failure, so it’s important to remember that the smallest goals can often help you achieve the best results.

Perfect Balance

It’s also a good idea to find a balance between big and small resolutions. Achieving smaller ones will give you the sense of accomplishment that you’re seeking and keep you motivated to reach the bigger ones.

Be Specific

“Exercising more” and “exercising for 30 minutes every day” are very different resolutions. The second one is more specific and measurable, and that’s how all your goals should be.

Make a Plan

There are resolutions you can complete in a day, while others will take months because they require building better habits over time. When it comes to such goals, it’s a good idea to come up with a game plan that will help you reach them instead of waiting for things to simply fall into place.

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