Research Project Checklist: Things to Check Before You Start

Diving into a research project, especially if you’re doing it for the very first time, can be a fascinating journey and an important academic milestone. But before you start, it’s essential to ask the right questions. Here are five key things to check in advance to help you kick off your research project with confidence.

Scope and Objective

Be clear on what you’re researching and why it matters. Knowing your project’s scope and main objectives will keep you focused and on track.

Who’s Your Mentor?

A good mentor can make all the difference for your research project. Make sure you know who will guide you through your research and how often you’ll meet.

Available Resources

From lab equipment to library access, know what resources you have at your disposal. Check if there’s funding, software, or special facilities that you’ll need to meet your goals.

Project Timeline

Map out a timeline with key milestones and deadlines. This will help ensure that you manage your time effectively and help you avoid last-minute stress.

Expected Outcomes

Set clear parameters for the success of your project. Are you aiming for a publication, a presentation, or a prototype? Having clear expected outcomes will keep you motivated and focused.

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