There are many ways to be able to buy and sell different items that you may have owned for a while and want to get rid of. If you attend any sort of University, you will most likely be able to join a variety of online Facebook groups that aim to facilitate student to student interaction and transaction. These Facebook groups are good when looking to buy or sell a variety of products.
One type of online college exchange groups that you will find is probably the largest page where people post different things that they are intending to sell or looking to buy. This is typically where you can see student ID’s, fake ID’s, clothes, and furniture items being marketed to a variety of students by students themselves.
Another type of group is one where people post about subletting their apartments or houses. Some college students need to sublease their living area because either they are graduating early and moving elsewhere for their job, or they may be intending to go study abroad and therefore, need someone to cover the payment of their rent.
There is even a type of exchange group where college girls who are creating coolers for their fraternity formal dates share ideas and suggestions about how to create the perfect cooler that would be sure to impress any of their dates.
These groups are typically stent run and are usually great places to look for things if you are looking not to spend too much money.