One of the most expensive endeavors an individual undergoes is attending college.
The majority of students find part-time work to help pay the unruly tuition fees, but sometimes it’s not enough. Attending a prestigious university can be rewarding in so many ways. However, a rigorous school schedule and a challenging degree can make it difficult to find time to work. This, unfortunately, has stopped so many women from pursuing technological degrees.
For example, only 28% of all computer science graduates are women. In an industry run primarily by men, it’s imperative for women to have the opportunity to learn and grow as scientists, engineers, and technological leaders.
Numerous organizations are here to help women who wish to pursue a technological career. With the stress of paying for college removed, young women can fully dedicate themselves to their studies and find themselves with an opportunity that otherwise would just be imaginable. Here is a list of university scholarships designed purely to help women succeed!