When it comes to college, the American education system provides many options for higher education. There are community colleges, colleges, universities, and much more. Community college, aka junior college, is a two-year school that offers reasonably priced higher education as a pathway to a four-year degree.
According to data collected by the American Association of Community Colleges, there are 1,167 community colleges in the States. The degree that you get after completing a 2-year degree at a community college is called an associate’s degree.
What are the advantages of attending such a college? First of all, students can save money as they cost much less than regular ones. The average cost of public community college is $2,713 per year, while usually, the average cost of attending a public 4-year college is $7,605 per year… not exactly cheap!
Also, we are talking about public schools, while privates are much more expensive! Another good reason for choosing a community college is that it allows you to work while you are in school.
Most 4 year colleges are full-time colleges where you are not allowed to get a real job, in community colleges you can!