As college students, you are all of a sudden faced with a bunch of responsibilities and financial situations that you haven’t had to previously encountered. There is the stereotype that college students are all broke and can only afford to eat ramen noodles and peanut butter for every meal. And while yes, attending college can definitely put a major strain on your bank account, there are some products that offer discounts to students, saving them money on what would otherwise be quite pricey products.
The Adobe Suite, comprised of Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign, and Adobe Photoshop is offered at an extremely discounted price for students. If you are a student who is interested in any form of design, then this would be a good opportunity for you to spend less money for a product that costs a pretty penny.
However, before you actually end up purchasing the suit, maybe check to see if your school has some sort of computer lab with the Adobe Suite already there with free range for student use.
The Adobe Suite can help you with all of your design needs. Whether you utilize Indesign to create a killer resume or Photoshop to create amazing projects or Illustrator to aid in presentation design, the Adobe Suite is a product definitely worth checking out. Eventually, when your student reduced payment plan is up, you will be more able to afford the normally priced product if your job requires it because, well, you have a job.
The Adobe Suite is definitely a wonderful tool to use to aid in your design purposes. And if you are just a beginner looking to improve your skills, there are a variety of online videos and YouTube tutorials to watch.