One of the biggest pieces of advice that many young people get is that everything has to do with your connections. Whether it is making a business connection at an internship fair or making a random connection with someone on the train, it is extremely important to make and maintain these connections because they are can be a vital addition to scoring that next internship or job.
It is also just good in general to make positive networking connections wherever you travel to. You never know where your career path will take you in 5 years so it is good for you to make connections in as many places as possible. For example, if you go on a family trip and meet someone from New York, who knows, if you maintain in touch with that person, they will be a good connection to have if you end up moving to New York later on in life for your career.
Making connections and networking also goes a long way when you are in the job search sphere. Often times, people don’t want to go through the whole interview process and would be much more likely to hire someone who they already know and trust.