3 Tips for Saving Money on Makeup

Your budget is usually tight during your college years and spending a fortune on makeup may no longer be an option. If you’re looking for ways to keep your makeup collection on the budget-friendly side, these three useful tips will get you there.

Drugstore Brands and Sales

You don’t have to buy makeup from high-end brands to look good. Generic drugstore brands shouldn’t be overlooked, so do some research to discover cheap drugstore brands of good quality. Also, try to buy makeup products on sale whenever possible to avoid spending a fortune.

Quality Staples

If you insist on spending on high-end products, focus on buying quality staples that you’re using on a regular basis. Good foundation, mascara, and lipstick are worth investing in, and so are certain skincare products, such as make-up removers and moisturizers. Also, consider picking up free makeup samples whenever possible because they’re amazing money-saver.

No Impulse Purchases

Impulse purchases can derail your budget, especially if you have a habit of spending on pricy makeup products. Before buying a brand-new makeup palette or a lip kit, ask yourself if you really need them. If you already have these products in your makeup bag and aren’t using them on a regular basis, you’re better off without them.

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