Language-Learning Apps to Help You Succeed in College

Are you learning a second or even third language in college? If so, then there are ways to make your language learning easier, especially through the use of a language learning app. Here are some of the best language-learning apps you can use to help you succeed in college.


Unlike many alternatives, Duolingo offers a free version, enabling you to learn some of the basics of the language of your choice. What’s particularly great about this app is that it provides fun quizzes to help you retain your newly acquired knowledge.


If learning via an app is challenging for you, then iTalki might be your ideal solution. This app allows you to find teachers who will provide you with one-on-one lessons in the language you’re learning, surely providing you with an edge compared to your peers.


If vocabulary is what you’re trying to improve, then Lingvist is the app for you. This intuitive app starts by teaching you the most common words used in the language you’re learning, particularly in everyday scenarios. This way you can interact with people in common situations. After all, even if you know grammar, having an insufficient vocabulary will not get you very far.

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