As you begin college life, you’ll finally receive your chance to make your own lifestyle choices as an adult. One of the first exciting things you’ll get to do is move into and design your college dorm room. Here is some of the best furniture you can buy to spruce up your home away from home.
A Beanbag Chair
With minimal space in your room, you’ll probably still want to have some seating in your room when you host your friends and perhaps even a significant other. A beanbag chair is light, compact, and easy to move, not to mention comfortable.
Desk Chair With Wheels
Chances are that when you’re not in the library, you’ll be studying in your dorm room. Naturally, you’ll need a sturdy desk chair to keep you comfortable and support your posture for hours. Make sure to buy one with wheels so that you can easily move around as you’re sorting through books and papers.
Ottoman Cube
In addition to being compact and comfortable, the right Ottoman can also make for a handy storage space. Given how small dorms usually are, this extra storage space can be highly useful. You may even have room for multiple Ottomans if you plan on entertaining a whole group of your friends.