3 Easy Meals to Impress Your Housemates With

Cooking for your housemates is a great way to get to know people and to do something nice for the house. Here are three easy meals that will impress your housemates. Dhal A dhal at its simplest is very easy to make. The basic process involves...

Tips to Help You Be the Best Prepared for an Interview

Interviews are one of the most stress-inducing things in the world. No matter what age you are and what stage of life you’re in,...

Breaking Free: Overcoming People-Pleasing and Putting Yourself First

It's not uncommon to get caught in the trap of people-pleasing—especially when you're young....

Here’s Why You Should Buy Second-Hand College Books 

Packing for college is a huge task. There are so many different things to...

Advice for When a Housemate is Going Through a Breakup

Living with housemates can often bring about some amazing...

3 of the Best Student Holiday Destinations

When it comes to planning a memorable holiday getaway,...